Der Deutsche Allergie- und Asthmabundes (DAAB) lädt herzlich ein zu den Online Allergietagen
Datum: 17. bis 21. Juni 2024
Das Programm in Kürze:
Montag: Neu diagnostiziert…und nun?
Dienstag: Neue Auslöser – Neue Krankheitsbilder
Mittwoch: Neue Therapien – Biologika & Co.
Donnerstag: Das Kita- und Schulkind mit Allergien & Co.
Freitag: Ernährung im Fokus
Eine Registrierung ist kostenfrei unter ab sofort möglich.
Latest news
News, Webinar
Last chance to register for the UCARE4U webinar 10: Mental Health: Psychological Effects and how to cope with them
Webinar 10: Mental Health: Psychological Effects and how to cope with them DATE: October 22 TIME: 1:00 to 2:00 pm CEST REGISTER HERE SPEAKERS and TOPICS Introduction and Moderation Prof. Dr. Emek Kocatürk UCARE at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Institute of Allergology, Fraunhofer [...]
News, UDAY
Happy UDAY 2024
Today is October 1, World Urticaria Day (UDAY) This year, the UDAY campaign is back with a powerful new motto: “Your Journey.” In 2024, we are putting the spotlight on individuals affected by urticaria who are sharing their personal stories of resilience and hope. From the [...]
News, Webinar
Register now for the UCARE4U webinar 10: Mental Health: Psychological Effects and how to cope with them
Webinar 10: Mental Health: Psychological Effects and how to cope with them DATE: October 22 TIME: 1:00 to 2:00 pm CEST REGISTER HERE SPEAKERS and TOPICS Introduction and Moderation Prof. Dr. Emek Kocatürk UCARE at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Institute of Allergology, Fraunhofer [...]